East Timor » Dili Turmoil »

Metanaro Refugee Camp

Metanaro Refugee Camp

Pictures of the Metanaro refugee camp in East Timor in August year 2006 from the dutchpickle blogĀ  Timor-Leste 2006 In the year 2006 East Timor – thousands of Timorese resettled to a camp east of Dili in East Tmor to escape the unrest and violence in the hinterlands and in the capitol. I took these […]

Hook Darts in Dili

Hook Darts in Dili

Hook darts Hook darts are a common weapon used in Dili in the gang fighting. The good doctors Killian and Matteausz have an arrow removal service at the clinic when they are not delivering babies and diagnosing malaria and tuberculosis. This is one that the good doctor Matteausz removed from a patients shoulder in Dr. […]

From the east

From the east

GNR I don’t speak Portuguese or Tetum so sometimes I can’t quite figure out what is going on, but these are my observations. Thursday 29 June – a group of protesters from the east arrived in town. Some were pro-Alkatiri supporters. They had been held up aprox 15 kilometers out of town for a couple […]

east – west friction

east – west friction

27 June 06 – today’s photos. Near riot. It is amazing how fast these shop owners can close down and board up their shops when trouble is approaching. 50 to 75 guys came running up the street in Colmera, a shopping district in Dili. The shoppers ran and the shopkeepers and their staff feverishly put […]

Alkatiri goes

Alkatiri goes

Alkatiri Alkatiri has indicated that he intends to resign. The crowds at the palace and throughout Dili were celebrating in the streets. There was supposed to be a rally at the airport that did not amount to much. Most of the protesters stayed in town. The people in the refugee camps watched from a distance […]

Big Day in Dili

Big Day in Dili

Unhappy campers in Dili It was another big day for demonstrations in the capitol. The momentum for change seems to be growing. There are demonstrators camped out all over town.Some have been here for 3 or 4 days not counting the refugees that have been here over a month. There are a few refugee shelters […]

Protest Rally in Dili

Protest Rally in Dili

Protest Rally in Dili 2006 Here are a few shots from yesterdays (Saturday’s) demonstration. The rallys have been peaceful and seem to gain momentum every day. The energy at these protest rallys is something else. It is a privilege in a way to be a part of it and be able to record a bit […]

Aussies in Timor 2006

Aussies in Timor 2006

Australian Soldiers in Dili East TimorĀ  (june2006) The Australian soldiers are keeping things under control in East Timor. Here are a few pictures. (june 2006) Dili 2006

Protest Parade 2006

Protest Parade 2006

Energy Exciting times are unfolding in East Timor right now. I just got back from a big demonstration in front of the palace. The crowd is fired up chanting GO ALKAIRI! GO ALKATIRI! GO ALKATIRI! Meaning go away, get out of here, resign from office. (English is not widely spoken here and it almost seems […]

Dili Protesters June 23

Dili Protesters June 23

23/06/06 Many of the protesters from last night are now assembled along the waterfront in front of the parliament building and under the banyan trees across from the big pink building. Small caravans of vehicles are driving around town chanting Go Alkatiri, Go Alkatiri. They are trying to say “go away” , “leave” , “resign” […]