Oslob Whalesharks Butanding

Oslob Whale SharksOslob Whale Sharks Butanding

Tan-Awan Cebu Philippines

I have been spending a few days on the south coast of Cebu Island looking for whale sharks. The fishermen in the area feed them shrimp in the mornings in an effort to increase tourism in the area.

It seems to be working because a resident school of whale sharks will linger around most of the day and then take off for other waters in the afternoon. They return again the following morning for breakfast.

local fishermen with their boatsThe local fishermen catch the small shrimp called uyap to feed the whale sharks the following morning.

whaleshark feedingWhale shark feeding on shrimp.

fishermans boatShrimp fisherman’s boat – the fishermen in these boats are responsible for feeding the whale sharks and leading them back to the marine sanctuary just off the beach. The whalesharks seem to almost enjoy the attention that they get from the tourists.

whale shark near the surfaceGentle giants – wow!

whale shark being hand fedBeautiful whale shark. The fee is 300 pesos to get ferried out into the sanctuary on one of the small boats to have a look. The boatman get 200 pesos and the sanctuary administration gets 100 pesos per visitor.

whaleshark sanctuary

Some visitors stay on the boats and others go snorkeling. Scuba diving is permitted but in my opinion you can see a lot just snorkeling. This group of whale sharks gets heaps of visitors and are relatively docile. To me they seem to enjoy the company.

fishermanThese boats carry one tourist at a time. For groups want to stick together there are a few boats that can carry about 5 passengers and have a boat man paddling from the front and one at the stern.

tourist boats Tour boats lined up waiting for the sharks to pass by.

dutchpickle logoFeeding whale sharks in Tan-Awan Oslob Philippines

Jan 21, 2012 www.dutchpickle.com

4 responses to “Oslob Whalesharks Butanding”

  1. D P great info thanks for that. Some of us plan to go there next week see them.

    Probably a day trip but may stop over in Dalaguete close by

    Seems like a fun day an no need go all the way to Donsol now.

  2. Hi, Great blog! You had mentioned somewhere accommodations in Oslob, Tanawan? I can’t find it. Could you please let me know the phone number and name, contact details again? I’m in Cebu now and heading towards Oslob due to reading your blog! thanks, C

  3. Great Blog and great info for travelers. I’m actually going to be in the Philippines in November but I hear that’s not whale shark season yet. Is that also what you have experienced?

    Any other November tips?

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