22 responses to “Donsol Whale Shark Watching”

  1. with a high interest i saw your package tour offerings to watch the whale sharks in denpasol.
    My parents and my cousin we would like to come over on the 09 until 12 of March. Therefore we are looking for a tour package for 3 nights / 2 days. We are most interested to snorkel and watch the whales.
    Departure would be Singapore.

    Please let me know if you have any offering for us.

    If you have any further question please dont hesitate to get in contact with me. My phone number ist: + 65 81899597

    I hope hearing from you soon.

    many thanks

  2. I plan to go to Philippines on 17th Apr, and hope to bake in whale scotting in my trip,. do I need to apply for any permit to do whale scotting. I will be staying in Manila, can you please share more detail on the direction.
    I check most of the web site, the request a pax of 6 people for the trip. I only have one person, any recommendation what will be workaround.

    thank you very much on the sharing.

  3. Hi dp
    what’s the latest update in Donsol for whatshark watching, I am planning to go on April the 9th to 12th.

  4. Hi dp
    planning to go to Donsol from 15-19 May, do you think it is too late for the whale shark watching ? Am I correct that basically we just need to get to Donsol and organise the tour after we have arrived at the tourist centre ? Can we pre-book the tour ?
    Mei Mei

  5. hehehhee ako yon dutchpickle na BIO na picture sa taas..
    ty very much for that…

    I invite everyone to come and visit the whalesharks here in our town Donsol..
    I am Joel Briones one of the Senior Butanding Interaction Officer here in Donsol swimming with the sharks for over 11 years and counting..
    We have sightings now beginning last November…
    So if you have quiries about everything that goes with our tourism pls contact me via email at
    joelbutanding @ yahoo.com or superkim18 @ yahoo.com or one can call me 63+919-420-2324
    our butanding is dubbed as the “BEST ANIMAL ENCOUNTER IN ASIA”
    Adventurers, travellers, backpackers, nature-lovers, tourists from around the globe…
    Come and visit Philippines, visit Donsol “The home of the WHALESHARKS”

  6. Hi, how many days should I stay in Donsol ? There are lots of other places I want to dive, time is of the essence, cheers Chinaussie

  7. Hello

    I am a budget traveler and whale shark is too attractive, so I planned to go to Donsol in May. I would like to know if I can a get a better cost for any day tours when I arrived Donsol? As I got some quotes from agents which over my budget very much.

    Thank you~~

    Pink Wong

  8. Hi dp,

    Would you know if they have open heel fins available for rental?



  9. hello,
    just to let you know there is a brand new built resort…the name is AGM Beachfront Resort, It is in Dancalan,Donsol Sorsogon…the best food ever…very clean, hot and cold shower,All room airconditioned they are just less than month old. ALL BRAND NEW CONCRETE BUILDINGS.
    may call or text to +63-919-688-2264 / +63-917-381-3404
    or send an email to agmresort @ gmail.com
    thanks and goodluck exploring the nature

  10. Hi there!

    I am planning to go Don Sol from 1st to 5th of April. I know that on that time will be Eastern that is a really ipmortant dates in Philippines. Do you think is a good time to go for Whale Sharks Watching?


  11. Thank you for posting the comment about our new resort in Dancalan. Here’s our website: http://junyambix2.brinkster.net/

  12. Hi DP!

    I was thinking of heading down to Donsol in 2 weeks time, from the 24-26 of April 2010. Do you think there will still be many whale sharks at that time? I heard they started their migration pretty early this time round?


  13. Hello
    I am Joel BIO. As the new Vice-President of Donsol Butanding Interaction Officers, I would like to invite everybody to come and visit Donsol to swim with our Whalesharks.
    Guests can contact me for inquiries and infos about Donsol Tourism
    Also by email you can contact my partner takz78@yahoo.com
    Sure you will enjoy Donsol !!!

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