Mikes’s Dauin Beach Family Resort

mikes-dauin-beach-family-resort-017Mike’s Dauin Beach Family Resort – Adventure Dive – Dumaguete Negros

The top place to stay for people with kids is Mike’s resort on the beach in Dauin. It’s only 15 kilometers from the hustle and bustle of downtown Dumaguete but it seems like a different world.

mikes-dauin-beach-family-resort-018Mike and Joan and the kids give the resort a vibe that is not found at most dive resorts. They eat at a long table with the guests and the location on the sea is perfect.

mike @ adventurediveshop.com

tel 063 35 422 1781
Mike’s cell 0916 754 8823
Joan’s cell 0910 229 0179


mikes-dauin-beach-family-resort-004mikes-dauin-beach-family-resort-002Dauin Beach Resort


chaw-rubber-bushing-cebu-0811Booking can be arranged through the Adventure Dive shop at Bogarts next to Happy Fred’s on the main street along the waterfront too.

In the morning, Mike makes a run into town to pick up divers that are staying in Dumaguete. The resort also picks up their guests from the airport.

This is a small place with great service.

Visitors comments and reviews are welcome below.

mikes-dauin-beach-family-resort-019The amazing thing about Mike is that you can’t get away without getting entertained by yet another story about life in the Philippines.

mikes-dauin-beach-family-resort-017Mike’s Dauin Beach Resort

mikes-dauin-beach-family-resort-007The dive boat story …

One choppy morning the crew woke up to find that the dive boat had gone missing. Whoa! What happened?

The theory was that the mooring line to the concrete block on the ocean floor had worn through and the boat was adrift. Some suspected that thieves had made off with the boat!

mikes-dauin-beach-family-resort-001The word was put out to all the fishermen to keep a sharp eye out for it. Lo and behold some fishermen found it 13 days later adrift near Tawi Tawi. That’s about 300 miles distant on the way to Borneo.

The boat had broken free of it’s mooring and drifted around the southern end of Negros and the entire island of Mindanao. Wow!

The light house or bell tower in Dumaguete at left.

dutchpickle logoMike’s Place Dauin

Feb 19, 2010 www.dutchpickle.com

19 responses to “Mikes’s Dauin Beach Family Resort”

  1. Hey, really enjoy your site, just thought I’d let you know it has been a great read. The story about the obat floating away is classic, lol.


  2. how much is the entrance?

  3. how much is the food? and how much do we need to pay for using the pool.?

    From the management – Hi Karen Entrance is 150 pesos, it is consumable

  4. Hi Karen Entrance is 150 pesos, it is consumable. And THANKS DP for your great support…..

  5. Stayed at Mike’s Resort this August with my brother, sister-in-law, and nephew. It’s a great place. Great rooms and very comfy. Food was amazing. Mike is a funny, and busy, guy too, haha.

  6. hi. would like to explore dumaguete on Feb. how is much is room? and what about the food?

  7. I was diving with a dutch couple in January with Mike. Yeah, nice resort. :)

  8. Hi MIKE,

    Am glad you discover your true paradise here in the Philippines and just wanna say that am working here in Malaysia as an architect and planning engineer for oil & gas and actually i saw your resort on the internet your place seem unique and interesting and am also quiet different,we’ll am also planning to build a resort in Northern Samar actaually i owned a acres of land beside the beach hope you can visit also in my place also a lot of hidden place to go..Thanks and God Bless.

  9. Hi Mike
    I was wondering what it would cost to stay at your place for a couple of months or so,i am currently in Penang but intend arriveing around 16/18 July.I am not a diver but i love the pool and the comments, yours Miky

  10. Hi Mike,

    It’s so nice to discover this page about your resort and family, the picture of you with 2 kids is so sweet !

    I am wondering whether you could give divemaster’s training or not in your resort?

    In fact, I’m looking for a place where I can get DM training and my 6 years old boy can play aside as well … you know that I am a chinese rescue diver and, I heard that many chinese divers are talking about you with great joy !

    Hope that your wonderful resort is right one for myself and my sweety son !

    Please write to me, thank you very much !

    Wei HE

  11. wow place…I would like to visit there soon. Thanks

  12. Hi Mike, my family just arrived from Europe and wanted to spend a good time in the Philippines. i was wondering if we can go to your place in just for one day and do scuba diving but not really staying in your place? would that be possible?..please i need a reply.. thank you :)

  13. hello there! how much is the entrance fee and is it still consumable? is there a separate fee for swimming? thanks ahead :D

  14. Adventure Dive Shop website


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