Dalupiri Island Samar

dalupiri-island-018Dalupiri Island Northern Samar – Victoria to San Antonio

Haven of Fun Beach Resort

Dalupiri Island is sometimes referred to as “San Antonio” but it’s really the name of the town on this peaceful little island.


There is a nice trail following the coast for 25 kilometers. There is not very much going on but it’s a great place to rest for the night.


dalupiri-island-003Pumpboats make regular runs between Victoria on the mainland to San Antonio on Dalupiri Island for 30 pesos per person, there was a 30 peso charge for the bike and 20 peso for the porters to load it.


The trip around the island is an uneventful but relaxing ride through the coconut palms.


The Haven of Fun Beach Resort is a real gem because it’s a cheap place to stay and its right on the beach.


dalupiri-island-027Little cabanas on the beach cost 300 per night and could probably sleep up to 7 or 8 people if you don’t mind overcrowding. There are clean crs (toilets) in the main building that have showers with good water pressure.


dalupiri-island-016Huts with private baths run 400 pesos and those with air conditioning are 1000 pesos per night.

dutchpickle gives this place a 5 star for the budget traveler because everything works, the staff is great, they food is good and very cheap, and the location is excellent.

I don’t know what you would do if you stayed here for a week or more but the swimming and snorkeling out front would be relaxing for sure.


The locals were very helpful in loading and unloading the bike on the island.

Swimming off the beach at the Haven of Fun Beach Resort


haven-of-fun-011-168x225This nipa hut resort is a top place for backpackers on a budget. You can get a small nipa on the beach for 300 to 400 pesos. The restaurant has reasonably priced food and you are within walking distance from sari sari stores.

dalupiri-island-033On this 5 day trip around Samar we landed up taking a boat 7 times. I really like the freedom you get when you have your own wheels.

We only spent one night on Dalupiri, but it was well worth the inconvenience of getting there.

The next day we took the first boat to the mainland and then up to Biri Island, arriving there shortly after noon.

Dalupiri Island

Feb 2, 2009 www.dutchpickle.com

14 responses to “Dalupiri Island Samar”

  1. Hallo,

    do you know how works land transportation from Dalupiri island to Donsol? Is it possible leave Dalupiri island in the afternoon for example at 3 p.m. and get to Donsol same day in the evening? Which is the last boat from San Isidro to Matnog and which is the last bus from Matnog to Donsol? Is there direct connection or is itnecessary change bus in Sorsogon? How much time we will spend on the way from Dalupiri to Donsol ? Boat + bus around 5 hrs in all?

    Is it better staying in San Antonio(Dalupiri island) or Capul island?

    We will come to Samar on 01.03.2010. Is it good time with weather?

    Have you ever been in Boracay? Is your Dalupiri or Capul similar with landscape, white beaches and snorkeling? I heard that Boracay is very crowded. I don’t know if I have to visit Boracay too or not.

    Best regards Marketa
    (Czech Republic

  2. Thank you for your answers? And on Dalupiri is not so nice beaches with white sand like on Boracay? Is it true that Baracay beachfront is polluted?


  3. Hello,

    What’s the nearest commercial airport to Dalupiri? And from the airport; how do I get to Dalupiri?


  4. gOOd mOrning dp..
    ..i just wanna ask some information..
    ..we are planning to come there, in haven..
    ..but we don’t have communication there..
    ..could you be?
    ..can u pm me here @ my # 09061954120..
    ..tnx a lOt..

  5. Hi dp!
    How`s now in Dalupiri? Is that crowted now there? I heard some europeans they opened a disco and opened a new resort near Haven of Fun…Have seen some
    inform from Mr. Nystrom Keihin about Chrystal Sand? Any plans to open the airport there? Any inform needed as 2 long time ago visited there 1980s. :) Maybe someday
    again just to enjoy the peace and nice beaches! Salamat! John

  6. Hi DP,

    At least I found your web site.I,am the owner of Crystal Sand Beach Resort here in San Antonio (Dalupiri) Island.

    Come to see us next time you visiting the Island. Our web page http://www.crystalsandbeachresort.weebly phone 09291971843 we speak English-Spanish-Tagalog-Swedish-Finnish and Scandinavian.

    Kindly regards

    Karl Nystrom

  7. Hi
    can you help me.i am try to find San Antonio Biri Northern Samar
    i can get mail there but can not find island on any map
    i have had mixed reports all different
    that the island is real name Tingiao or Dalupiri be for.
    its 45mins by boat from San Jose im told and very near San Pedro island
    which i also can not find
    can you help me

  8. Hi! We want to go on roadtrip to San Antonio, Capul then San Vicente. What’s the best way to to these islands?


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