Philippines » Luzon »

Luzon Loop – Sagada onward

Luzon Loop – Sagada onward

The second leg of the Luzon loop by motorbike starts in Sagada. I broke up the loop into 2 pages so that it doesn’t load too slowly for those with slow connections – including myself. Many travelers come to Sagada to explore the caves and see the hanging coffins. I chose to just chill out […]

Chico River Whitewater Rafting

Chico River Whitewater Rafting

Whitewater rafting down the Chico River is catching on and there are now several rafting companies that run the river. The group here set out from Tinglayan near the second hanging bridge and went down stream to Tabuk. I like to promote this sort of thing so if any of the local rafting companies want […]

Loop through Northern Luzon

Loop through Northern Luzon

Northern Luzon by Motorbike – Part 1 I have traveled a bit by motorcycle in the Philippines but never ventured north of Manila with my bike. This was one of the last frontiers for me, the time was right, my girlfriend and I needed some space so here I am in Tinglayan by the Chico […]

Philippine Windmills – Bangui Bay

Philippine Windmills – Bangui Bay

Bangui Bay Wind Power Project These ginormous windmills are on the north coast of the Philippine island of Luzon. Northwind Power Development Corporation youtube – windmill video Philippine Windmills I was taking a tour of Luzon on a motorbike and came across this windmill farm. It was a surprise to see this high tech wind […]

Horses of Vigan

Horses of Vigan

Horse and buggy in Vigan There are 105 horse buggies registered to take tourists around the town of Vigan in northern Luzon. 100 are driven by men and 5 by women. This seems like a unique way to get around the historic district of this beautiful town. youtube – horse and buggy Vigan Philippines The […]

Capas National Shrine

Capas National Shrine

Capas National Shrine Bataan Death March Memorial Tired, hungry defenders, like heroes old, Held their ground, brave and true to the last man. The smoke of battle cleared. A crimson flood Lay like a carpet on the hallowed ground. O heroes, you died not in vain. New blood Picked up your cry in one united […]