Alaska facebook

dutchpickle facebook pics – Alaska

white swans

white swans in Alaska

Kayaks – Valdez

colorful kayaks

colorful kayaks Valdez

Copper River near Chitna, Alaska

Copper River Alaska

The Copper River in Alaska near Chitna



Painting of Casper the friendly ghost on a house in Chitna Alaska

Kennecott Copper Mine in Alaska

Kennecott Copper Mine

The old Kennecott Copper Mine

Kennecott Mine located in Wrangell – St Elias National Park

Kennicott Copper Mine

Kennecott Copper Mine

Kennecott Glacier Lodge

Kennicott Lodge

Kennicott Lodge



Salmon from the Copper River for lunch

McCarthy – sign

Smokey the Bear

Smokey the Bear

McCarthy Lodge

McCarthy Lodge

McCarthy Lodge

Dish with blue flowers

dish with blue flowers

dish with blue flowers

Tire Repair Chitna

tire repair sign

tire repair sign

Matanuska Glacier on the way back to Anchorage

Matanuska Glacier

Matanuska Glacier

Grizzly Pizza

Horse and antlers

Horse and moose antlers on the roof of the Grizzly Pizza

Homer Alaska

Homer Spit

Horses on the beach in Homer Alaska

Halibut – Homer Alaska

cleaning halibut fish

cleaning a halibut in Homer AK

Valdez Alaska – Bridal Veil Waterfall

Bridal Veil Waterfalls

Bridal Veil Waterfalls Valdez Alaska

Valdez Fish – halibut and yelloweye rockfish

halibut and yellow eye

halibut and yellow eye Valdez Alaska

Sea Kayaks – note the rudder


kayaks in Valdez harbor

ling cod and halibut

ling cod and halibut

ling cod and halibut hanging at Valdez dock

salmon shark with jig in mouth

salmon shark

salmon shark

dutchpickle website – alaska pictures

dutchpickle logo

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Jul 20, 2015

2 responses to “Alaska facebook”

  1. Great photos mate…will have to get over there one day soon…

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