Oecussi prison – East Timor An abandoned prison just outside of Pante Makassar in Oecussi is a reminder of Indonesian times. I don’t have the full history on it but the general consensus is that is was pretty full under the Indonesian administration. If I get the chance to talk to Father Richard maybe he […]
Pasabe district – Oecussi – East Timor The people living in Pasabe scratch out a living by farming under harsh conditions. The dry season is difficult and when it rains the rivers fill and further isolate the villages. The few vehicles that travel there often use the dry riverbeds as roads. Oecussi is the perfect […]
Oecussi rivers – rainy season Oecussi is usually very dry but when the rainy season starts many of the rivers swell and make travel difficult. These people just deal with it and just wait for the river level to drop and then resume business as usual. Some communities can be cut off for several weeks […]
Oecussi East Timor This Catholic church is still in good condition. Many of the buildings in Oecussi were destroyed in 1999 but there are a few interesting remnants left standing that still give the place a Portuguese feel. This one was an official Oekusse – Ambeno government office. Rows of Indonesian buildings that have been […]
Oecussi farming East Timor Slash and burn practices are still commonly used in Oecussi and the rest of East Timor. Some groups are supporting reforestation and trying to introduce other methods to grow crops. Oecussi is very dry so the rainy season is waited for in earnest. This year it was late and began the […]
Traditional bareback horse races in Oecussi – East Timor. Horse racing is one of the big events in Oecussi. The other is waiting for the rainy season to start. The horsemen camp out near the airport under the trees and start racing in the late afternoon. I was able to go down and meet them […]
Atauro Express – Ferry to Oecussi from Dili The Atauro Express runs from Dili to Oceussi on Mondays and Fridays. The boat is Indonesian and will be replaced by a donated ship from Germany in the year 2007. (dp note – this ship has already been replaced) This ferry is the main lifeline between Dili […]
Lifau Oecussi In the year 1515 the Portuguese made their first landfall in an area called Lifau. It is near the racetrack where the locals race their ponies. There are rugged hills for a backdrop behind the town of Pante Makasar in Oecussi also spelled Okusse. The local language spoken here is Baikano. The Portuguese […]
Timor cuscus – year 2006 The villagers of Makaleb were getting ready to stew these 2 little marsupials so I decided to attempt to buy them and take them to my friends place in Pante Macassar on my motorbike. Phalanger orientalis (timor cuscus) Timor Cuscus in Oecussi – pardon the misspelling kus kus – ha […]
Hotel Roa – Oecussi The bus to the border comes up this road on the way out of town for a 45 minute ride to Bobometo. There you can cross the line and catch a lift to Kefa in West Timor. Make sure you have your visa in advance if going into West Timor. The […]