9 responses to “Wood boat from Palawan to Manila”

  1. Giday dp

    Nice post, I admire your love of sea travel. For me that’s gonna be too long in a boat. Airplanes yes…. boats no….

    Last trip Bruce and I did was from Pilar to Masbate on pumpboat then Cebu by overnight ferry. We got on the pumpboat, loaded the bikes and about 20 passengers got on. “Good” we thought, “not too many”.

    Then a large truck pulled up and they proceeded to load bagged rice into the unused passenger seating area until there was almost no freeboard left…. Off we went, choppy sea, they lowered the spray curtains, engine fumes built up inside, hull creaking loudly, seasick….

    Be back in May. Manila could be on our agenda, but not via Palawan!

    Bruce here in a few days, gonna take him out in the 4wd.

    Merry Christmas!


  2. Hi dp,
    i came on after u left to have a read of your most recent posts and as i said it was not on here. I refreshed the page and shazam it appeared. Great havin a chat mate and i hope the rice was ok ahahahah
    BW Dave

  3. Bought a Yamaha YBR G 125CC 9 months ago in Dumaguete, have 8000 kms and no flat on the tubeless tires. The front end started to vibrate a few weeks ago and was told the rear tire needed to be replaced due to wear. Ordered new tires. They arrived yesterday. The tread was different and was told it is a new design mountain bike tubeless tire.

    Wanted to travel Monday and bought the tires. The tires flinch at every pebble. Wondering when the flat will come. Cant understand why the motorcycle parts guys cannot order the correct tires.

    I rather be on the road..most guys have an explorer gene and I’m one of them. Enjoy your website, it gives me wonderful ideas.

    Sometimes it is better not to have a back ride, but they have fits if they cannot go. One never knows what God will provide on the next adventure.

  4. does St. Nicholas Shipping still have the Coron to San Jos Mindoro route?

  5. Hello Lindsay,

    Super late reply – but what’s 11 years anyway ? ha ha (year 2020)

    Good to see that you Kiwis went through this coronavirus thing with such style and grace.

    Bravo !

    I am in the USA at this time still trying to see how this pandemic pans out.

    Maybe global travel will become a thing of the past. Makes me sad.

    I miss my people in the Philippines and Indonesia.

    Hello to brother Bruce.

    update – I have been out in the Aleutians recently and that is an entirely new frontier altogether. Deep water fisheries out of Dutch Harbor. This frontier fascinates me mate! Keep in touch.


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